New Ener-Qi


The Energy of Health!


“If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong.”

                          Mehmet Oz MD

Spring Forest QiGong


 Spring Forest Qigong, as all meridian therapies, is based on the understanding we have previously mentioned that everything in the universe is energy.  Qigong began and remains a science--the study of how the universe works at its most basic, energetic level.  It all started more than 5,000 years ago when Chinese scholars, studying the workings of the universe, first discovered and established the Eastern scientific principle that everything is energy.


Albert Einstein arrived at the same conclusion. Einstein established the Western scientific principle that everything in the universe is based on dynamic relationships of energy.  Again, everything is energy.  As Einstein also recognized, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but energy can be transformed. 


Traditional Chinese Medicine dubbed this universal life energy "qi" (pronounced "chee").  In China, the study and practice of transforming the energy (qi) to live a life of optimum health, wellness, and happiness came to be called qigong. (Qigong has many other facets as well, but it is the healing aspect we are focused on.)  In China today, these therapies are used in many hospitals along with conventional medicine to treat a variety of illnesses including cancer, heart disease and digestive problems.


Master Chunyi Lin, originator of Spring Forest QiGong and recently named qigong Master of the Year by the 12th Annual World Congress on Qigong/TCM, believes that energy is neither good nor bad.  Energy is energy.  Distress and disease,  dis-ease, are just forms of misplaced and blocked energy in the body. Usually this means too much or too little energy in one place. Often it can be both, like a blocked river, dried up on one side and overflowing on the other. 



Either way, your energy is out of balance. Energy blockages are caused by many things but most commonly by emotions or by stress.  Energy blockages cause your body's natural healing system to break down and malfunction.   Problems result only because there is too much or too little energy in one place.  SFQ believes your body is designed to have perfectly flowing, balanced energy at all times.  When energy becomes blocked, these QiGong movements along a series of energy channels can remove the blockages.  The channels, the meridian system are made of 14 meridians branching out into hundreds of tiny energy pathways.


For thousands of years the practice of qigong was a closely-guarded secret revealed only to a chosen few. Even today, traditional qigong techniques can be very difficult to learn, requiring years of rigid, disciplined practice to develop proficiency. Traditional qigong masters still withhold the most powerful qigong techniques from all but a select few.


After years of dedicated study with some of the finest qigong masters in his native China, Qigong Master Chunyi Lin has taken away the mystery, rigid discipline, and difficulty.  In Spring Forest Qigong he has created a technique that is so simple anyone can learn it, yet it is very, very powerful. Spring Forest Qigong is a revolutionary approach to the ancient Chinese teachings, revised and enhanced for the 21st Century.  It uses effective breathing, mental focus, and simple movements to help you balance and enhance the flow of your energy to help you achieve your optimal health, wellness, and happinessSpring Forest Qigong calls itself Information Medicine because through it we change the cellular information in our bodies by accessing the Universal Energy which is Love. 


A certified, international qigong master, Chunyi Lin broke from ancient traditions because of his strong conviction that "Qigong is such a powerful tool for healing, the whole world needs to know about it and benefit from it."  He strongly believes that unconditional love is the most potent healing tool in the universe, particularly toward oneself.  Indeed, qigong has been called the most powerful healing technique the world has ever known. 


Go to to view Master Lin perform one of the active Spring Forest Qigong exercises.

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Spring Forest Qigong Atlanta, Spring forest Qigong Atlanta, Spring Forest Qigong Atlanta, qi gong, qi gong, qi gong, Chinese Energy medicine Atlanta, chinese energy Medicine Atlanta, Chinese energy Medicine Atlanta, Acupressure Atlanta, Acupressure Atlanta, Acupressure Atlanta, Acupressure Atlanta